Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Top 8 Mistakes Interns Make

The Top 8 Mistakes Interns MakeThe Top 8 Mistakes Interns MakeAn internshipis a valuable college experience that teaches students how to act and perform professionally in the real world while affording them the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in a particular industry. No longer optional, an internship is one of the first things employers look on resumes. Benefits of Completing an Internship The benefits of an internship are numerous, but the top reasons fruchtwein students seek out internship opportunities include A chance to include relevant experience on a resumeGaining the knowledge and skills required to be successful in a fieldLearning the ins and outs of the business with the help of a mentorNetworking with professionals and establishing long-term connections In order to get the most out of your internship, you must put your best foot forward and avoid anything that would compromise these benefits. According to employers, the following are some of the most commo n mistakes that interns make that could cost them a great professional reference or an offer for a full-time position with the company. Taking the Internship Too Casually Students must approach the internship experience in a professional manner. Establishing goals beforehand will help define what you want to accomplish and how to get there. Because we live in a global marketplace students need to realize how competitive the world is and act accordingly. Avoiding Menial Tasks Everyone has something they dont like about their job. For management, it may be too many meetings. For interns, tasks like filing are boring but doing menial work quickly and cheerfully demonstrates a good work ethic. Youll also gain the respect of your boss, which could lead to more challenging work. But you want to avoid being taken advantage of. If you speak with your employer beforehand about responsibilities youll have grounds for requesting some challenging work mixed in with the filing. Poor T ime Management Getting to work late or taking long lunch breaks doesnt sit well with employers. As a professional, you should adhere to the rules and regulations of the office. If work begins at 830 am and ends at 430 pm, dont arrive at 845 am and leave at 4 pm. If everyone takes an hour for lunch, do the same. You should alsoprioritize your time. If you have multiple tasks, its your job to prioritize them. If necessary, speak with your supervisor to determine which are the most time-sensitive. Not Adhering to the Office Dress Code Youve probably heard that you should dress for the job you want, bedrngnis the job you have. College students have leeway about dress attire but in the workplace dressing too casual or inappropriately makes you look unprofessional. If youre not sure how to dresslook at how your co-workers dress or ask your supervisor before you start. Not Learning the Office Culture Individuality is a good trait but not when it clashes with the corporate culture. Some offices are formal and corporate, while others are laid-back and casual. Oftentimes just observing how employees behave and interact will help you fit in. Not Taking the Time to Establish Important Relationships To get the most out of your experience, establish relationships withgood mentors and co-workers who can share their knowledge and skills. Keeping in touch after the internship will keep you plugged into job openings in the company. Not Asking Your Supervisor for Important Feedback Feedback and constructive criticism should be two of the main goals of an internship. Feedback will improve your wertzuwachs at that job and ones in the future. Have a follow-up conversation to gauge improvement and see what other things you can do to improve. Failure to Take Advantage of Resources Internships provide an opportunity to learn all sorts of things about an industry or company. Reading professional journals and attending industry conferences, talks and lectures are gr eat ways to broaden your knowledge.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

How to Ask for Help at Work Without Seeming Incompetent

How to Ask for Help at Work Without Seeming IncompetentHow to Ask for Help at Work Without Seeming IncompetentAt work, you want to be perceived asconfident, clever, and capable. But in order to grow, you need to get out of yourcomfort zone. And sometimes that requires biting off more than you can chew, taking on complicated assignments that require the help of others. Here are five ways to ask for help at work without coming off as incompetent.1. Approach with confidenceEveryone needs help sometimes, so dont apologize for it. Part of your managers job is to guide your projects. No ones hired with all the knowledge they need to do every task in the job description. Your manager expects you to consult her when you get stuck. Before going to her, figure out why you need help. Is this project beyond your skill set? Do you have so much other work to do that you cant meet a deadline? Then, be courageous. Instead of approaching her with, Im sorry to bother you with this. Go with, Id appreci ate your help with this.2. Do your homeworkGo to your manager with a specific question, situation, or plan. You may think you dont even know where to start, but dont let that overwhelm you. Make a bullet point list of the ways youve already tried to solve the issue so she doesnt waste time trying those solutions again. Write down any questions you have. Be ready to give a high-level synopsis of the situation. To focus your thoughts, use the who, what, when, where, why, and how method Who is involved in the problem? What exactly is the problem? When did the problem occur? Where did the problem happen? Why did the problem arise? How did the problem develop? Bringing these answers to your supervisor gives her context and the seeds of a plan.3. Know whose help you needHas a colleague already been through a similar situation? If the task is over your head, try to find a Subject Matter Expert within the company you can sound out before approaching your manager. Is this something a coworke r can assist you with? If you are temporarily overwhelmed with responsibilities, is there a peer willing to help you with a short-term task?4. Be willing to reciprocateThe best way to ask someone for help is to have already helped them, so be proactive. When a peer asks you for help, try to let Yes, be your first response so you can pay it forward. The time will come when you need to lean on them. Try to maintain an open line ofcommunicationwith your manager. If the only time you talk to her is when you have a problem, she wont want to see you. Seek mentors both inside and outside the company. You can tap these resources when you get in trouble.5. Remember that timing is everythingMake a good effort to accomplish the work yourself, but dont wait until the project is so at risk that the client is angry. Most managers prefer to clean up a small mess rather than a big one. And dont be a repeat offender. If your boss sends you emails regarding how to solve this problem, flag them and ke ep them for future reference. If the two of you are meeting about the problem, take notes and file them. Thank her for her help. If your company has a recognition, incentive, or reward program, make sure you use it to acknowledge her and every one else who helped you.A version of this post previously appeared onFairygodboss, the largest career community that helps women get the inside exklusivmeldung on pay, corporate culture, benefits, and work flexibility. Founded in 2015, Fairygodboss offers company ratings, job listings, discussion boards, and career advice.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Other than salary, benefits top reason someone would jump ship

Other than salary, benefits top reason someone would jump shipOther than salary, benefits top reason someone would jump shipNew research from international talent and outsourcing company Yohshows that other than getting a bigger paycheck, the biggest factor that would cause an American worker to jump ship for a new job is better benefits at 50%, meaning, paid time off, healthcare options, 401(k). Digging a little bit deeper, 49%of men, 50% of women and 53% of those ages 18-34 chose this option in particular.The Harris Poll surveyed more than 800 American adult employees. Here are some of the points that stood out.Other reasons why people would leave their jobsThe research found that a flexible work environment took second distribution policy at 42%, a higher-level position took third place at 35%, and a less stressful job claimed 32%. A field of work Im more interested in was also at 32%. Thirty-one percent chose a better company culture, 27% chose more perks like an onsite gym, dayc are, dry-cleaning. Surprisingly, a better commute, meaning one thats shorter, closer to home, less costly came in lastat 24%. Just 3% chose other.Mark Masterson, a Vice President atYoh, told Ladders about the significance of this specific data point.At Yoh, what weve found is that as the proliferation of remote work has grown, workers may be more open to accepting a job where the companys office is further from home with the possibility of working remotely, he said. While there are some larger companies that have returned to more traditional office work, trends indicate that an increasing amount of jobs are able to be done either fully or partially from home. bedrngnis only does this trend expand the pool of potential candidates for employers to choose from, but it can also decrease overhead and the cost of leasing office space.Still, 15% said they wouldnt jump ship for anything.Heres where people with $100k+ salaries standAmong those earning a minimum yearly income of $100,000, 43% chose better benefits, 39% chose a flexible work environment, 28% chose a higher-level position and 30% chose a position that wouldnt stress them out as much.A field of work Im more interested in pulled in 22%, while a better company culture pulled in 27%, improved perks came in at 25% and a better commute claimed 26%.But while research has found that 3% of Americans say they would quit their jobs via text message, what it would take to make them leave - besides more money, of course - is a very different story. Keeping this in mind, here are some tips on how to jump ship the right way.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Walking at this speed is linked to an earlier death

Walking at this speed is linked to an earlier deathWalking at this speed is linked to an earlier deathIrrespective of obesity status, or even body weight, individuals that walk fast live longer than their slower paced companions. This finding comes from a new paper published inthe Mayo Clinic Journal of Mayo Clinic, titled,Comparative Relevance of Physical Fitnessand Adiposity on Life Expectancy. The authors report, participants reporting brisk walking pace had longer life expectancies across all levels of BMIs, ranging from 86.7 to 87.8 years in women and 85.2 to 86.8 years in men. Conversely, subjects reporting slow walking pace had shorter life expectancies, being the lowest observed in slow walkers with a BMI less than 20 kg/m2 (women 72.4 years men 64.8 years).Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreMethodologyThe researchers began with a study sample of data from 474, 919 particip ants, recorded between March 13, 2006, and January 31, 2016. In addition to surveyingtheparticipants walking pace, the researchers also examined their body mass index, their waist circumference, and their body fat percentage.The study defined a brisk walk as a pace that hits speeds of 3 mph, or 100 steps per minute. Slow walkers referred to individuals that hit speeds, between 1 to 2 mph, or 50 steps per minute. Across different levels and indices of adiposity, the first group, or the brisk walkers evidenced a longer life expectancy. The fact the results remained unchanged regardless of body weight index means physical fitness might be a better tell for life expectancy than BMI. Adding to this revelation, the researchers observed underweightslow workers to express the lowest life expectancy of all the individualsexamined.This is in contrast to assumption that is often made that obesity confers the most risk, Professor Tom Yates, the studys lead author, commented toNewsweek.Mayo Clin ic ProceedingsJust last year, Yates and his team of researchers uncovered similar findings in a much more specific study group. This particular report showed that middle age men that walked slowly, increased their risk for heart-related illnesses.The findings from both this year and last years study, join many others published in recent years, that accentuate the importance of habitual activity.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

12 tips for your best resume ever

12 tips for your best resume ever12 tips for your best resume everWriting a resume is, lets face it, not always binnenseen as fun hours mulling every year of your career, searching for the right words, worrying about whether your accomplishments look impressive enough. Then you have to find the time to noodle around with it, between work, family and other commitments.Even more importantly theres no wiggle room. Recruiters spend about six seconds looking at your resume before theymake their initial decision. So, you have to make it count. (Some will go to any length to make it count One savvy job-seeker created a 20-page magazine about himself to impress the editors at GQ - maybe a little too long).There are some easy ways to do that.Make koranvers your resumeaccurately reflects who you are, what you have to offer the company you want to work for, and that its competitive enough to rival the resumes of other people with big dreams and creative minds.Your resume might be read by a com puterWhile most resume advice focuses on creating a pretty document that impresses humans, youre better off with an efficient one that impresses robots. Many large companies keep resumes in databases that are scanned for keywords and processed by algorithms before a human ever sees them.Luckily, theres a way to design the documentso it can be read by a computer.Here are the top tips for a successful digital resume.Algorithms favor the top of a resume, where experience is more relevant. Fill that area with a target job title, expert Martin Yate has said. That means taking the same job title from the job you want and finding a way to feature it on your resume.Use the same major words that are in the job description. If the job listing is for a Project Manager, make sure that you use words that show expertise in that field PRINCE2, for your certification.Make sure each entry on your resume describes hard skills that a computer will understand. Instead of motivated a team, for instance, tend to emphasize hard data grew revenues, or implemented new software or innovated a successful profit strategy. Each entry should focus on measurable performance.Go minimal. Humans and computer both appreciate this. Try to avoid all graphics, tables and fancy fonts because the system is designed to process text only, Jan Tegze, Senior Recruiting Manager at SolarWinds, saidin a LinkedIn post.If its all too much to think about, choose an ATS vorkaufsrecht on resume-template sites like Hloom.Hloom has an ATS Optimized resume templates section. That means that these templates are formatted specifically so computers can read your resume. All the Information seems like the best because even though its mostly black text, the sections and your title stand out in orange, and the font is slightly more playful than the one featured on the Technical Special template.Pickingall the right wordsA 2014 CareerBuilder survey of 2,201 hiring managers and human resource professionals across industri es and company sizes shed light on some words you should and shouldnt include on your resume.Once again, vagueness is a terrible strategy.For instance, here are a bunch oftheterms that participants chucked in the no pile best of breed, think outside of the box, go-getter, value add, detail-oriented, proactively, bottom-line and team player.Better words exist. Emphasize actions and achievements, not just personal qualities.These are some of the terms the survey participants favored instead achieved, improved, trained/mentored, managed, created, increased/decreased, negotiated, launched, under budget and won.Every wordmakes an impression, so choose each one carefully.Be wary of Google Docs resume templatesGoogle Docsoffers free templates to help guide your resume design process but this approach is more traditional, and may not leave much room for more customized resume styles.To access them, log into your Gmail account if you have one, head over to Google Docs, click on Template Gall ery, then General.As you scroll through the options, youllcurrently find resume templates like Swiss, Serif, Coral and Spearmint. Many of them have formatting and interesting fonts, which may impressive people in some industries but will stand in your way if youre aiming for that minimalist appeal that pleases both humans and robots.The best option is Coral, which includes no distracting formatting and has Skills right at the top. If youre in a field where youre sure your resume will go to a human, Serif is also a nice Google Docs option because its easy to read and the formatting isnt intrusive.Where to find other resume templates that succeedDont be afraid to branch out and use other resources when formatting your resume.Hloom offers hundreds of free templates, with categories like Basic and Simple, Clean, Modern, Contemporary, Creative and Infographic.The best of these to pick in the Clean category, the Substantial template features open, white space for your name in clear, bold type at the top and leaves space for your title and summary. The text is mostly black, but the orange adds a nice hint of color. The lines between sections of the text make it easier to read. Many other options include bells and whistles that youll like if youre applying for a visually oriented job for those, you might try one of the options in the Contemporary category or in Portfolio, which gives space to add photos of your work.One note about HloomThe Musepointed out that users should be sure to hit the Click here to download link - not the big, green, Free Download button- when downloading a template on the computer.Full disclaimer I have used a free, Hloom resume template to design an earlier version of my own resume.A note about colors- while you probably shouldnt throw handfulon your resume, be sure that if you use color in your job search, that the huealigns with your personal brand message. Colors can carry symbolism far beyond what you intend for instance, we remember a financial publication that refused to use red anywhere because the color implied money that had been lost. Only green or navy blue were acceptable.Choosing the right fontThe font you choose will also make a world of difference.Bloomberg profiled fonts to embrace and avoid on your resume.The best and most eternal advice back awayfrom Comic SansAs forTimes New Roman some discerning hiring managerssteer clearof this classic font. Its not particularly easy to read, and its so standard that it suggests you chose the laziest option. Its telegraphing that you didnt put any thought into the typeface that you selectedIts like putting on sweatpants,Brian Hoff, creative director of Brian Hoff Design, letBloombergknow how he really feels about it. (Of course ever font has its apologistsThe Washington Post begged to differ.)With all this talk of fonts to kick to the curb, which ones should you use? A lot depends on personal taste, of course, but we checked out some suggestions to see what exper ts like.Helvetica font landed at the top of Bloombergs list, with Garamond and Proxima Nova listed as other good options- although the latter could reportedly cost you a pretty penny.The Huffington Post listed Calibri as its number one, with Samantha Howie, senior human resources recruiter at the ofMaximum Management Corp., saying that the font isclear, readable, straightforward but not lacking in personality.Create a LinkedIn profileResumes are great when youre applying for jobs, but every job-hunter knows that connections matter most. LinkedIn has become the default social network for industry leaders to check up on each other, whether or not theyre currently looking. Many recruiters favor LinkedIn as a way to search for prospects, and the multiple levels of connections mean that serendipity may get your resume noticed.We like this Business Insider guide to all the different things you should do to make your LinkedIn profile stand out, including a good, professional picture and a focus on skills and even volunteer work to show that youre well-rounded. The best part? If anyone needs to see your experience in a hurry, you can just send them a link.Of course, LinkedIn isnt always the most delightful user experience, but as long as youre spiffing up your resume, you should make sure you do it right on a social network that almost anyone can access.The way you revamp your resume is ultimately up to you, but make sure its something youre proud of so you can passionately talk about your achievements if you get contacted for an interview.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

What Everybody Dislikes About Create Resume and Why

What Everybody Dislikes About Create Resume and Why The Debate Over Create Resume A lot of people swear by LinkedIn, which likewise makes it effortless to attach with potential employers. When you have prepared and submitted yur resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to talk about further whether youre going to be suitable. Numerous job seekers incorporate work objective in there resume. 1 advantage for employers to internet resumes is the substantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods.You cannot impress the employer if you dont include a superior objective in your resume. Just provide a high effect overview of what exactly it is possible to supply the employer. Employer isnt going to prefer to train you when youre not an experienced individual, as giving training to new staff demands powerful budget and resources. Naturally, youre most likely to want to verify your possible employer can contact you easily. Typ e of Create Resume After you are registered, youre going to be in a position to access all our online features. For confidentiality, should you not need some of your information to be viewed publicly make certain that you edit it out before you submit the form. Contact information You must include your private contact info in the resume. Your contact information is only going to be shared when you opt to respond to an employer. The upcoming free resume schablone is made in the shape of a brochure. You ought to be extra cautious when choosing the format. If youve downloaded the sample resume templates, then they are going to appear when you open the Microsoft Word. If youre overwhelmed by all the alternatives, you can also just use one of several terrific templates. Make Use of the Space Dense resumes are difficult to read, and thus more inclined to be rejected. Employers post right to the Workforce50 Jobs page to achieve our older and expert readers. Furthermore, the ne xt Resume Sample For Ojt is certainly the functional. Resumes might be organized in various ways. Getting the Best Create Resume However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. The very first thing that you must bear in mind is that you will need to do the correct research. Not only will it show that youre technologically savvy, but in addition, it demonstrates you have taken the opportunity to go the additional mile with your resume presentation. You may find a lot of great resume templates, but youre going to have to decide if theyre likely to help or hurt your odds of landing an interview. The Advantages of Create Resume Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. If youre interested in teaching job and wish to submit an application for the post of teacher then you ought to make your resume very powerful and impressive. Resume writing is the initial step of a work hu nter for receiving the call for the interview. If you will not do the appropriate research then you wont get a notion about the work profile of the project administration. To keep yourself updated with the revolving world of sales youre going to need to be committed to it. Share your work when youre completely pleased with your design and work, you can share it to the world via your social networking accounts, personal site, or many different different channels you might utilize. At 2 decades of experience, you dont will need to create your resume for over 1 page. Some individuals have bad handwriting skills, in the vorstellung you are one of them prepare your resume with the assistance of the technology however if its still true that you do not want then get assistance from one of your friends whose handwriting appears good in general. The New Fuss About Create Resume Employers wish to seek out people that will address their own issues. You are able to conduct comprehensive r esearch on companies of interest. Keywords are by and large defined as nouns or phrases an employer will use if hunting for an applicant by means of your skill collection. Additional skills could include the number of language you talk. New Questions About Create Resume You have to list your prior jobs and all certificates in yearly purchase. You ought not exceed two or more pages and ought to depict the achievements and qualification precisely. So preparing the database is straightforward. Like never before, as a work seeker youve got immediate accessibility to announcements and advertisements of openings around the world. Make sure you dont write your career objective in four or five sentences. Writing a superb curriculum vitae objective is quite critical for obtaining a good job. The service also provides many example CVs, dependent on the business, so its possible to find some hints and ideas about how your CV should look, dependent on your career path. To start with, you have to have a valid driving license. Its possible for you to begin highlighting the things that you desire on the template window and select the fonts and colours. When it has to do with online-resume design, easy and sleek is best. Resume templates are perfect for people who dont possess the skill of producing impressive resumes. A minimal template isnt hard to skim and present the appropriate information for fast reading, which means that your employer can quickly see why youre a great fit.

Monday, December 2, 2019

5 Painless Methods for Better Employee Engagement

5 Painless Methods for Better Employee EngagementHow is your companys employee engagement? You might not think this is such an important question, but the answer could have wide-ranging repercussions for your company. Engaged employees are also, not surprisingly, more productive employees. They are the superstars who come into work eager and ready to give it their all and learn new things in the process.These are the kind of employees you want in your company. Theyre the people youre looking for when viewing a video resume, drumherum up a video interview or scheduling an in-person meeting.Disengaged employees, on the other hand, are the ones finding any way possible to slack off on the job. Since only about one in three employees are the superstars you hope for, this means two-thirds of your workforce could be snoozing their way through the day. Disengaged employees waste their productivity chatting, napping and taking advantage of social media. In fact, social media sites routinely cost employers 2.25 billion dollars in lost productivity every year.Its not social medias fault, though. Your company needs to focus on employee engagement to turn those Facebook-ing productivity drains into superstar employees. Here are just a few ways howVolunteer TogetherA great way to bring the team together is to focus on doing good. Getting employees to volunteer is a great way to build employee engagement organically. Doing a good thing for someone else will make your employees feel better about themselves and your company. You will not only be doing good in your community, but also youll be doing good for your workers productivity.Have your workers get together and decide on a charity or cause they will volunteer their time to assist. As an added bonus, this brainstorming session will help employees get to better know their coworkers and what values and causes they hold dear.Celebrate the SeasonsSeasons come and seasons go, but did you know they can be great excuses to incre ase your employee engagement? The seasons provide plenty of easy opportunities for fun outside activities. For instance, with fall right around the corner you can throw a Halloween party or even go apple picking. When winter brings chilly weather, it also brings opportunities for your workers to festverzinsliches wertpapier over holiday parties. If you need a quick idea for ways to get people together, look to the seasons for help.Get Out and Have FunOff the ClockAll work and no fun makes your workforce pretty dull. So switch things up a bit and plan for some outings with your workers that have nothing to do with their 9-to-5. Youll be improving your employee engagement and having fun at the same time.Make Collaboration a PriorityCollaboration is key to improving your employee engagement and making workers feel like theyre really being heard. All workers want to know their ideas and contributions are making an impact.Collaboration shouldnt just take place on special projects or in a pinch. Collaboration can take place as early as the hiring process. This could mean getting the whole team together to talk about hiring goals, or it could mean having everyone leave notes on a video resume or recorded video interview. Company discussion is extremely important at all stages of work life, but particularly important in hiring great candidates who will turn into engaged employees.Stress Professional DevelopmentAll employees want to know your company is a place where workers can develop, learn, and grow. This is why your organization neglects professional development at the peril of employee engagement. Make learning a part of the everyday life of your employees. Set up workshops, bring in speakers, and sign up for webinars. Just make sure your workers know its important to you they keep learning and developing their skill sets. Theyll thank you with higher productivity and more innovative ideas.Employee engagement is important for increasing the productivity of your w orkforce. A little engagement can go a long way towards improving your companys collaboration, hiring, and morale. So what do you have to lose?What are some ways you can improve your companys employee engagement? Share in the commentsIMAGE Courtesy of Flickr by Tim Ellis

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Little Slow in Getting Hired Get Inspired!

A Little Slow in Getting Hired Get InspiredGet Hired and Get InspiredA Little Slow in Getting Hired Get InspiredIs your job search weighing a bit heavily on you as you begin another week?If it is, these three articles I recently found on the web might help you regain some mojo.Ex-cons and gang members may apply.John Shegerian, who runs a California-based electronics recycling firm, believes in giving second chances by hiring people with troubled pasts, including former convicts, gang members, and people coming off welfare. If every business owner hired just one person from the margins, he says on BNET.com, it could make a world of difference within the community.Your job search will be good for you in the long run.You may have heard the expression, That which doesnt kill you makes you stronger, and a soon-to-be-published study shows theres scientific truth to that expression. The study found that adverse experiences do appear to foster adaptability and resilience, leading to better m ental health and well being. So, while your job search may be hard on your psyche today, you might look back on it in a few years and believe it made you better.Dreaming + Persistence + Networking = Dream JobA former Wall Street Journal columnist tells how he pursued a job related to his passion - grenzberschreitend investing - even though he liked his job at the time. He networked with friends, headhunters, people in the industry, and others. One of his contacts eventually led him to his dream job months later. His lesson? When looking for a new job, he wrote on the Journals web site, if you define your career interests broadly and then shake every tree you can find, the fruit will start falling.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Guide to Increasing Sales

The Guide to Increasing SalesThe Guide to Increasing SalesIncreasing your total number of ausverkauf starts with increasing your total number of leads. Thats because, as youve probably heard several times by now, sales is a numbers game your success is directly based on how many prospects you talk to. The sales pipeline is built not like an oil pipeline, but like a pyramid. The beginning stage is the broadest with tons of unqualified leads coming in. At each stage, prospects drop out of your pipeline as they decide theyre not interested or you decide theyre not qualified. As a result, you might need 100 leads to get 10 appointments to get one sale. Thats why its a terrible idea to stop prospecting, even if you feel like you have tons of sales to work with right now. You need to keep those leads coming into your pipeline so that once you finish with your current pack of prospects, you have a new bunch ready to come in. Understanding Your Pipeline Percentages In buchung to increas e sales, youll need to understand your own pipeline percentages. Start by tracking each first contact you make with a lead you need to know exactly how many leads you contacted and exactly how many of these leads genetarifd appointments. As you go on appointments, keep track of how many of these appointments you were able to close. Once you have those numbers, youll know exactly how many prospects youll need to contact in order to increase sales by the desired amount. Sourcing Your Leads Naturally, dialing your way through the phone book is not an effective way to source leads. The better qualified your leads are, the less time youll waste talking to people who arent actually candidates for your products. In essence, prospecting is finding people who have a problem that your product can solve, and offer it to them in a way that shows them the solution. So the better qualified your leads are, the higher the percentage that youll be able to turn into sales (and thus the more tota l sales youll make). Getting those qualified leads will either cost you time or cost you money. In other words, you can either pay someone to collect qualified leads for you or you can collect them yourself. Once youve got your leads together, the next step in increasing sales is improving your initial contact, so that you can book a higher percentage of appointments. Most salespeople use cold calling over the phone to get those appointments, but you also have the option of sending an email or even direct mail. Still, its likely that at some point youll end up talking on the phone with your prospects... so building a good phone script is crucial to creating productive phone calls. That doesnt mean reading word-for-word in a robotic voice it means preparing answers ahead of time to the questions you hear most often so that you have a jumping-off point to answer those questions smoothly. Closing Skills Finally, you can increase sales by improving the percentage of appointments yo ure able to close. This usually means polishing your presentation and getting better at answering customer objections. If your presentation is solid but your conversion rate is still lower than youd like, its probably time to work on your closing skills. If you speak with enough prospects, you will get sales regardless of your selling skills. But if you improve your performance in each step of the sales cycle, you will reduce the number of prospect contacts you have to make per sale in essence working smarter, not harder.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Java Developer - Entry Level Job Description

Java Developer - Entry Level Job DescriptionJava Developer - Entry Level Job DescriptionJava Developer Entry Level Job DescriptionThis java developer-entry level sample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Java Developer Entry Level Job ResponsibilitiesCreates user information solutions by developing and maintaining world wide web/intranet applications.Java Developer Entry Level Job DutiesDefines site objectives by analyzing user requirements.Designs and develops user interfaces to internet/intranet applications by setting expectations and features priorities throughout development life cycle completing programming using languages and software products designing and conducting tests.Integrates applications by designing database architecture and server scripting studying and establishing connectivity w ith network systems, search engines, and information servers.Creates multimedia applications by using authoring tools.Completes applications development by contributing to team meetings troubleshooting development and production problems.Supports users by developing documentation and assistance tools.Updates job knowledge by researching new internet/intranet technologies and software products participating in educational opportunities reading professional publications maintaining personal networks participating in professional organizations.Enhances organization reputation by accepting ownership for accomplishing new and different requests exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.Java Developer Entry Level Skills and QualificationsJava, Java Beans, Java Applets, Java Servlets, JavaScript, Teamwork, Verbal Communication, Web User Interface Design, Software Requirements, Software Development Process, Object-Oriented Design (OOD)Employers Post a job in minutes to rea ch candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Java Developer Entry Level Jobs and apply on now. Learn more about how to write a job descriptionHow to Write a Job Description Resource PageHR Salary Information Employee CompensationBenchmarking 101 How to Pay New Hires